That exoskeleton for the handicapped is amazing! It's so unfair when basic abilities are taken from you for whatever reason. Random Olivia Fact: Janice Celestine is the younger sister of Olivia's father and Olivia's only legal guardian. They're the only two people who still carry the surname 'Celestine.' Olivia's father died during the war and Olivia's mother died giving birth to her. I love these random fact that you guys come up with. I almost giggle like a child every time I see them! Roy is a crazy cat-lady, that's for sure! [quote=Archangel89] Aaron fact: Aaron had serious thoughts to leave the group and go train/fight the xenos on alone [/quote] Just try it, Mister. Olivia will smack him up good. [quote=Tenish the Mighty] .Anyway, of the Boromir Music Minute. Tell me who dies and how they die, please. I will reveal the characters and situations I picked once we get through them all.Remi Fact: Remiel fears loud, sudden noises. He had learned to cope with his fear response in the face of such noises he knows are coming. But a careful observer will still notice that he jumps and freezes at the unexpected ones. Consequently, Remi is not fond of firearms, fireworks, or whistles of any kind. [/quote] At first I thought Katherine, but when I heard the lyrics I thought about Olivia, but then I changed my mind and couldn't decide for either! You're such a cruel man Ten, we want to know the answer right away! [quote=Rockette] and tonight we're dressing up; been trying to convince my brothers to go in drag or as the Doctor.And Sir-Pounce-A-Lot - I have a orange tabby that looks just like him! I saw Into the Woods trailer on my Facebook, got excited for it. dx [/quote] Tell us how it was when you get back, sweetness!