i can find so many loopholes to those 3 rules. XD [img=http://images5.fanpop.com/image/answers/2707000/2707879_1337119144196.1res_423_317.jpg] Name: James Hunter Age: 19 Gender: Male Skills: can these be TBR? i'm not too good at listing skills. Personality: he's one of the few humans that have absolutely no greed whatsoever, and, in fact, unlike others, he won't use a genie for his own gain. Instead, he'll actually help others using his wishes, or he'll even actually help his genie if the Triad shows up. He's a very kind and caring person, but he also has a deep hatred for the Triad. Bio: When James was a child, the Triad tried to put him through their training, but his trainer was especially brutal in his methods, which caused James to betray the Triad, and sabotage his first assignment, and instead of attacking the genie, he defended it, and assaulted his own partner that was sent with him, before fleeing with the genie he had saved, but he ended up giving the genie to the next person that seemed kind enough to be worthy of having a genie, and he has actually been pretty much avoiding the Triad since then, but would occasionally show up just to fend of some of those damn Triad bastards before making himself impossible to find again. Extra: