Save meh a spot for a genie and a human :) EDIT: Here they are! Name: Zaen Color of smoke: Green Gender: Male Personality: Very, very tricky. Tries his hardest to try and twist whatever you say to something [i]completely[/i] different from what you wished for. If you want him as an ally or a friend, you'd have to try hard and gain his supreme trust. Appearance: [img=] Bio: Born in the lantern and grown in the lantern, learning the power of his magic through masters, he has learned the greed of humanity, and has undoubtedly caused him, to no matter what even if he has made a connection with the human, always twist the wish of the human's words. The Triad tried multiple times to try and capture him, but his masters would always hide him away to keep their greedfor themselves, causing more untrustworthyness to ensue between him and mankind. Name: Elzander Gratuiso Age: 46 Gender: Male Skills: Very smart, and basic martial arts knowledge Personality: Does not wish to use the genies to be greedy nor generous. Likes to read, think, or to study things and learn. Wants to learn all about the universe, so that the human race can evolve and grow stronger as a whole. Appearance: [img=] Bio: Born in a very large city with scientists for parents, he fell in love with the world of science and knowledge, and like his parents, devoted his life to expanding the intelligence of the human race. Afew years passed of him studying and learning, and he became old enough to venture on his own and learn about everything the world hasto offer. During his travels and studies, he stumbled upon the marvel of genies, magnificent creatures who could do anything with magic. he learned about them, including their rules, the Triads whom got in his way so he had to stop them often, and their devotion to masters.