I think I can get into this. For now i'll start out with just a human, but depending on how it goes I think I might also bring in a triad a bit later if i'm permitted to make multiple characters. Name: Mateiu Lockhart Age: 17 Gender: Male Skills: The boy is a natural when it comes to cooking and gardening, is fairly talented in the performance of parkour, and is bilingual (malay being his second language) Personality: Mateiu tends to be a sweet and (mostly) well mannered kind of fellow with a hard work ethic. He often interacts with others in a brotherly sort of way, treating even complete strangers as good friends provided they're receptive and do not show any hostility towards him. Although slow to get legitimately angry, Mateiu has a somewhat smart alecky streak when faced with aggression, and although he tries to avoid resorting to violence, he will lash out if no other option is present. Appearance: [url=http://www.deviantart.com/art/Humanstuck-Gamzee-Yo-349261763]Right here folks[/url] Bio: Born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth, Mateiu's life has been fairly easy compared to most people, however his mother -originally born the child of sumatran farmers- always made sure to instill in him a drive to earn what he received and to never take anything for granted. His father, the CEO of a rather lucrative company with connections all around the globe, was never really around much, and with most of the people in his age groups generally being sycophants simply trying to be around him because of his social status and his parent's money, Mateiu never really had much interaction with people save for his mother, resulting in a fair bit of loneliness. Mateiu would later fill this loneliness by focusing on his hobbies and collecting odd and interesting trinkets from his travels. Extra: He received the scars above his nose during a mountain biking accident and has a strong fondness for lime flavored licorice.