My forms~ If there's anything you need me to fix, please tell me. I'm new to the fandom, so my forms are bound to have mistakes- --- [b]Name:[/b] Ferran Schwarz [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [b]Height:[/b] 177.8 cm [b]Weight:[/b] 74.5 kg [b]Allegiance:[/b] Cadet [b]Preferred Weapon:[/b] 3D Gear and Blades, Musket [b]Regiment You're Joining:[/b] Survey Corps [b]Biography:[/b] Ferran was born to a loving mother and father that lived behind Wall Rose. He was their only son, and thus, he was over-protected and somewhat pampered. One could say that he was the brat of the neighborhood, often getting what he wanted. Luckily for his parents, Ferran never wanted much. All he wanted was for his parents to take him out on frequent walks and read him bedtime stories. This was a hassle for his mother and father, as they had to go and work for most of the day. His mother eventually became a stay-at-home mom in order to take care of Ferran. As Ferran grew older, he became calmer and more considerate. When he heard that the Titans had broken through Wall Maria, he became aware of the situation that humanity was in. At age twelve, Ferran became determined to join the Survey Corps in order to help in their cause. His mother and father grew panic stricken and tried to convince him to change his mind, telling him that he could help people all the same if he became a doctor, or at most, part of the Garrison. However, Ferran would hear nothing of it. When Wall Maria was breached by the Titans, Ferran and his parents tried to flee the brutal slaughter. Luckily, his father and him escaped, but his mother was lost in the frenzy of people trying to save themselves. Ferran never saw his mother again. At age 16, Ferran enlisted to become a Cadet, despite his father’s pleas. He promised his father that he would remain alive until humanity won the battle against their predators, but even he knew that was unlikely. Now, Ferran is currently close to finishing his training. Surprisingly, Ferran’s faith in himself is beginning to somewhat waver… but he is still determined enough to join the Survey Corps and try to make a difference. --- [b]Name:[/b] Sorrel Baumann [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [b]Height:[/b] 164.6 cm [b]Weight:[/b] 64.4 kg [b]Allegiance:[/b] Cadets [b]Preferred Weapon:[/b] 3D Gear and Blades [b]Regiment You're Joining:[/b] Garrison [going to change her mind to Survey Corps] [b]Biography:[/b] Raised behind Wall Rose, Sorrel has always been the underdog of her family. She had an older brother and sister that usually ignored her, and her mother was constantly busy. Her father left the house when she was born without a clear reason—once, she heard that he had joined the Survey Corps, and another time she heard he left to indulge in his own selfish desires. Sorrel was rather young when the Titans attacked Wall Rose, and her family rushed to evacuate the area. When they finally got to the ships that were to leave for Wall Maria, they found that they were almost full. Her siblings and her were able to leave for the “safety” of Wall Maria, but her mother had to stay behind. Sorrel’s brother, Friedrich, took control of their little family, and made sure that all of them had [i]something[/i] in their stomachs. It was then that eleven year old Sorrel began to become interested in the military—particularly in the Garrison. When she announced her interests to her siblings, she found that her brother was interested in joining the military as well. However, Friedrich told her that he was going to aim to join the Military Police, as he thought that it was an honor to serve the king. Her sister, Tanya, expressed no interest in joining the military, and explained that she was going to become a nurse when she grew old enough. At age 15, Sorrel enlisted to become a cadet, leaving Tanya to become a nurse and fend for herself. While her training was hectic, she was determined to survive and become a member of the Garrison in order to protect the people of Wall Maria. Now, she is nearing the end of her training, and close to fighting beside other members of the military.