Wrinkling his nose at the crude summery the youth poses for the tale he told, Yu nods softy before shaking his head lightly. “I am fine, it is just a memory. . .” Standing once more he lets out a sigh. “I was a guardian of a village for a long time, seeing generations come and go. I heard of the other youkai pulling away from the humans, however I did not heed the warning, I still could not let the humans be even after hearing of so many of my kind coming under blame. . .Not until it was too late.” As he speaks his hands loosen the top of his kimono, the shoulders falling to the side until at last he turns away from the young man. Flipping his long hair over his shoulder expertly he exposes his back just at the kimono falls down to his hips, exposing most of his scar. He stands these silently for several seconds before murmuring softly, just loud enough for Ethan to hear. “Not all were as fortunate as I, who at least escaped with my life.” Pulling his kimono back up it seems to naturally fall back into place without Yu needing to fuss over it. He smiles softly at the young man to show his lack of anger towards it all. Though humans have caused much pain, both to him and his people, Yu is too kind to hold it against them. After all, the ones who betrayed them are long dead. “We exist now, in much the same number as we use to, just for the most part hidden away. Though there are still some, like myself, who prefer to keep an eye on humans, doing little things here and there to either aid humans, or to amuse ourselves.”