The man extends both of his arms to his sides, as a wave of power floods through the world. Every rune, every circle of power, every powerful symbol activates itself, the combined life force of all these creatures seeming to transform into a massive magical amplifier. While none of the creatures possessed magic of their own, they offered their combined soular force, and the sudden magical pressure was immense. Even a weak mage would be a frightful force granted such an environment, but this man was by no means weak, his aura shining with the power of death, and strangely, syncing with that of life. The shades of the world seem to fade, their souls shaken. "The process of death and reincarnation is an endless cycle, life and death in eternal broken balance. And yet here, trapped souls remain, retaining their form. However, is it not infinitely beautiful, the reforming and channeling of life into death, and death into life? The forming of our very existence from the body and mind of the eternal creator. Is it not the purest of desires to break this cycle, and to create a world of pure life and death?" A wave of power shakes the world, as a staff manifests in the man's hand, tipped with a skull with rubies for eyes, both of which seem to glow profusely. Large black swan wings seem to extend from his back, black as the darkest night, and in them the two see both the beginning and the end of their existence. Soular power echoes around him, as he utters a word that cannot be spoken. A word of power in a language no mortal tongue could utter, the language in which the barest truths of the multiverse are described, which holds the power to shape reality itself. The Primal Tongue. And as his voice echoes, screams echo with it, as thousands of lost souls are torn to pieces, their souls ripped apart, made one with the soular stream of energy, seemingly returned to their base elements. Leeroy and Honey (yeah, I know who they are) are forced to the ground, as their very own souls are tattered and torn, life energy drawn from them in this massive destructive ritual. At the end of it all, as vision returns to both of the combatants, the world is empty. They float in a void, with no meaning or place. The Realm of the Fallen has been completely disconnected from the stream of life, and not even the Stream of Souls, from which all life originated, flowed through this location. No new souls could be formed here, and no soular energy would move through here. It was as if the very stream of life, which is supposed to be all-permeating, has been diverted to ignore this location, to some unspeakable and mysterious end. The air feels dead, no, not dead. Empty. Like the void. And both Honey and Leeroy can sense that this dimension, which was formed from the energy of the Soular Stream, was slowly collapsing into the Void, and that it would be a bad idea to stay here when it did. ----------------------- Information from thousands of worlds filtered through her mind, processed by a biological computer created for exactly such a task. Speaking was inefficient, and her judgement was directed straight through her mind. It was tiring, going through all this worthless garbage, all those lower lifeforms that thought they were something special, just because they'd evolved from a self-replicating protein. The sheer quantity of beings in this multiverse was staggering, and any lesser mind might have given up any attempts to process all those thoughts at the same point. However, even the power of this specialised thought engine was buckling at the task, esspecially when it was introduced to species with great individual mutation factors, causing many beings toi become unique in and of themself, requiring individual analysis. It was a massive pain, and thus, the girl thought, she could hardly be blamed for missing the actual interesting tidbits every now and then. Moments after it had been destroyed, a report about a lifeform with mysterious and ever-changing biological functions were brought to her attention. The one interesting creature in ages, and she'd let the Cleaners loose on it. Luckily, this mysterious lifeform had regenerated the damage dealt to it. Not only that, but it was moving rapidly towards a portal, as if it WANTED to be captured. It was quite an impressive display of stupidity, but one must always take into account that even with such unique genetics it did not indicate an advanced thought process, and preparations were soon made. The entirety of the Genesis Devourer was built to host the captured beings, and at the girl's whims, the portal shifted location, as well as the entirety of the creature reforming itself to suit her needs. Now she would finally be able to do something INTERESTING! It was about time, after all. -------------------------------- At the other side of the portal, Mithias finds himself in a massive room, the walls composed of a black metal-like material. The same material as the pod which he still held, the large leaf-like walls flopping to the ground even as the claw-like appendages reached for a ground they were no longer attached to. However, Mithias' unique genetics immediately detected that this area was completely and utterly stuffed with a variety of microorganisms, although, unlike the ones before, they weren't damaging you. However, there was still the issue that Mithias was in a room with no visible door, and that these microorganisms might have a variety of purposes he was unaware of. While no damage was being dealt, each breath was a fresh invasion, and the knowledge that the very air could turn lethal gave a distinct feeling of vulnerability. It was an attack that was nearly impossible to defend against, especially with limited knowledge on the workings of these microorganisms.