Ignasius coughed up more blood once again as the most inquisitive of dragons have approached him. The fact that arrows are stuck into his back should be a thing that may puzzle some of the dragons... Some farther behind him there are also several corpses with human weapon inflicted wounds, as well as a dead horse with a spear lodged into it's neck. The old knight heard the steps of the dragon and rose his head, he weakly smiled and nodded, trying to reassure the creature that he does not mean, nor able to do any harm. He managed to roll onto his side, so that he would be able to observe the surroundings more easilly without and coughed some blood again, due to the ammount of strength he needed to use for this action. "Greetings" He spoke in a hoarse voice, hoping that the dragon's might understand him, but he instantly regreted that, as he felt piercing pain in his chest once again, coughing up more blood. Before he could see if the dragon could respond, another came in, pushing the previous away and snarling at him. He saw things in his mind... It seemed as a threat, as a warning. Ignasius only coughed up more blood as he figured it out that he was missunderstood. "I -" more coughing "Am not your enemy". The old man coughed relentlesly, before he slumped on his chest once again and passed out.