"Bye bee!!!" waved Yuki to Seikou, Akane and Hizumi, walking away with Flint. He muttered to her about being more serious. "It's because we are fighting for humanity that we should lighten up and enjoy ourselves with our free time." she replied. Since he sighed, she knew he had dropped it. Flint had asked where she would go now. "Hm... I don't know ... is there something you want to do? There's still a few hours till the meal." She replied to Flint. Yuki walked ahead of Flint and was walking backwards. "Want to head for a game center or something?" She asked him. It had been quite a while since they had gone to one. "Or perhaps bowling? Oh right, we should tell Okaa-san and Otou-san about our dinner." Pulling out a phone, and sent them a text message saying they would be having dinner with Kiri.