[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/JgfLLQy.gif[/img][/center] [b]To the people of the South:[/b] The deadline for your surrender has come and gone. From here on out the United States government will accept nothing but unconditional surrender and the arrests of the nine men wanted for treason. Remember, people of the South, this moment when your sons are bleeding out in fields not far from their home, homes that have been set ablaze by a vengeful Union Army that seeks retribution for four years of misery and suffering delivered at the hands of Rebel armies. Remember that it was the pig-headed decision of the nine wanted men who decided their lives were worth more than your sons. The people of the South will do well to remember this moment when all they have ever known or loved is taken from them by the dreaded Yankee invaders. Remember that you had a chance to end it, but you chose to be foolish and fight. May God have mercy on your souls, because we will not. Lt. General Ulysses S. Grant Commanding General, United States Army