Sorry Blaz, but we've come to a decision, so no need. Tweak or not, we've made a decision based on other factors. It was a hard decision, even with your character as it is, but me and Ryu have decided. We'll be taking Abel and Maggie. Abel's personality fits better with the plot we've come up with, and we think Maggie will add some spice and conflict to the group, but without overlapping with the other characters' combat styles. We looked at everything, and that's what we came up with. Now, the last thing to figure out... TEAM NAME!!!! N, A, M, and O. MANO, MONA, AMON? Well, it seems a few people didn't listen when I said no vowels, though Odette was admitted to only be a placeholder. Anyway, let us all move over to the main thread and begin thinking of how to handle this. [url=]LINK[/url]