[quote=Everblight] Just adding my two cents but the majority of 40K RP's I've been a part in die very quickly because player A wants to be a Tau Player B - Necron etc and everyone plays their own story line and gets bored with no one to properly interact with. The reason I like this RP is that it has stuck to one faction (Or close enough) in the universe and then further limited the options, personally I would be really happy with everyone being a Space Marine and us each taking a different role in the squad as we fight Chaos (Salamanders wouldn't be my choice but meh I don't mind :P) Just my opinion but I would prefer less options than more funnily enough, when it comes to race/role ect. [/quote] While I am certainly excited about a potential warhammer rp I do have to agree with this one hundred percent. Warhammer rp's don't need a firm grip to be controlled, Personally I believe they need an iron grip. Especially in an open forum setting where people are more accustomed to being able to make whatever characters they feel like and most rules tend to be bent by the GM's to allow this. Maybe it's just me but I notice on Forum Rpg's particularly, people don't tend to react well to, or follow hard character restrictions all to well. They just make or propose whatever character they currently feel like making regardless of what the DM stated was allowable or not. This si not to criticize everyone on this wonderful site because I know a lot of people do respect the Gm's character restrictions and guidelines. But many do not. And those few rp's I have been in where both space marines and Imperial guard are allowed ended questionably. because the space marines are far more powerful and usually end up leaving the Imperial guard behind in the dust or just making Imperial guard characters all but obsolete. I am willing to try one more time but I will say usually it's better to do one(space marines) or the other (Imperial guard/ Inquisition). But enough of my nay saying. That was my downer bit and I will leave you to Gm the game you desire and shut my mouth from here on. I was thinking about making a Valkyrie Pilot maybe? or I am sure I can think of something. I am currently just trying to jive some other possibly failing rp's I have to make sure I will have time for this one. so whether or not I can join is currently a mystery. But I am hoping.