Name: Sena Ellieneir Age: 13 Appearance: [hider=Gave up trying to draw, so I just used a picture][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Bracelet on her right wrist][img][/img][/hider] Canon or OC: OC Personality: With her friends, Sena is an easygoing girl who likes to joke around and smile a lot. At times, she can even be kind of slow and oblivious. However, she also knows when to be serious. Magic: [hider=Alchemy]Her alchemy takes many forms like potions, food, and perfume but all serve one purpose: support. She specializes in items that heal or boost. She is inept when it comes to making magic items to fight with, and only has one way to defend herself...[/hider] [hider=Her greatest creation:][img][/img] [b]Sieglinde:[/b] an antique automaton that she inherited from her grandmother and has its own consciousness. Sena repaired it, and in essence, re-created it into her own. Summoning Sieglinde hardly takes up any of her magic, however, the longer she fights and the use of spells can quickly drain Sena's magic. Sieglinde has control over lightning, and her hands hidden underneath her sleeves can turn into gears. She is summoned by Sena through the gear crystal on her bracelet.[/hider] History/Bio (optional): Sena came from a long line of alchemists, so she was taught alchemy at an early age. By the time she began experimenting and making her own recipes when she was eight, she also received Sieglinde from her grandmother. She spent years and years focused on repairing her, failing more times than she could count. One failure in particular, affected her eyesight in her right eye greatly when she got careless and got caught in the explosion. It took her four years before she finally restored Sieglinde. Arond that time, she also heard about the guild Fairy Tail, and decided to go on her own journey with her parents' approval.