[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/51006/posts/ooc]Character Sheets[/url] [center][img=http://i.imgur.com/UmaWj4s.png] [i]The seal is breaking. The seal isn't supposed to break. The records have been lost. If we can't reach in there and stop the spread soon, it'll be too late to save anyone.[/i][/center] [b]IC[/b] The story takes place in present day Japan. The characters are enrolled in Shin'youju Academy, which is located in the small town of Kadoguchi. It's a relatively peaceful town, unperturbed by the hustle and bustle that a larger city would have. But is there more to this place under the surface? Rumors say the old school building holds a secret; that's why it's been blocked off. Barricades have been erected at every entrance, and at every door inside the building. And recently, strange sounds have been coming from the inside of the building. Students have seen strange figures in the upper floor windows of the building. A myriad of small, hushed statements circulate around the student body. Then, one day, another rumor starts to spread: [i]"Hey, the doors to the old building aren't blocked anymore!" "That's stupid. I was just there over lunch. Blocked as always." "Really? But, last night I was walking home from karaoke and I saw the blockade gone! You know how huge that thing is; I swear it was gone." "Heh... maybe it only disappears at night." "Maybe..." "Eh... I was joking..."[/i] --- [b]OOC[/b] You play a high school student at Shin'youju Academy that, for some reason or another, finds themselves in the school's old building late at night. Maybe it was a test of courage. Maybe you were wandering around the neighborhood. Whatever the reason, the blockade that prevented you from entering countless days before is now gone. You can go inside... You didn't expect to find what you did. This RP is a horror/exploration/mystery RP. There are many things that you won't know from the beginning. OOC information will be provided as players discover things IC. Although the main meat of the RP takes place in the old school building, there will be segments that occur in the outside world. These segments are for character and relationship development. Make friends, spark romances, whatever it is you want to do. It'll make ripping the life from your characters that much more enjoyable. ...Did I say that out loud?