[b]The Town of Kadoguchi[/b] Kadoguchi is located in a hilly, forested region of Japan, surrounded on all sides by tall mountains and located by a river which leads to a nearby lake. Although Kadoguchi is just a half an hour drive from the nearest city, its mountainous borders doesn't exactly make it a common road trip destination. It is a quaint little town with a small population; it nevertheless boasts a impressive commercial district for a town of its size. It boasts a large mall, several arcades and karaoke bars, and a few small cafes that line one particular plaza. There are three residential districts that surround the commercial blocks, which feed into seven grade schools and four high schools. The largest of these districts, Kashiwa District, coincidentally feeds into the largest and oldest high school in town, Shin'youju Academy. [b]Shin'youju Academy[/b] The largest high school in the town of Kadoguchi, Shin'youju is located near the top of a small hill. The campus consists of the main building and the smaller club building, as well as the courtyard and the parking lot. Although the building looks state-of-the-art, Shin'youju is actually the oldest school in town, being established shortly after the town was founded. The school is number one in town academically and number three athletically. The campus consists of the main building and the smaller club building, as well as the courtyard and the staff parking lot. The main building consists of three floors. Each floor contains classrooms and two male and two female bathrooms. The first floor also contains the shoe lockers, cafeteria, infirmary, and administrative offices. The library is located on the second floor. The roof contains a miniature garden and several park benches. The courtyard has several fields for sports as well as a pick up and drop off zones for cars and buses. There is also another small garden in the courtyard. The old school building is located further up the hill, about a three minute walk from the new school building. It is fenced off, and the front door is blockaded by large wooden bars and several French barriers. [b]The Leaking Worlds[/b] [b][i]Artist's Showcase[/i][/b] [hider=1F][img=http://i.imgur.com/tRQdBFH.png] [b]The Lobby:[/b] The room is bathed in a warm homely light, but the room itself is old and dusty and covered with splotches of paint. The walls of the room showcase three large paintings. One shows a mannequin hanging from a noose; another shows a scene of a street, with rain falling and creating puddles of red; the last one shows a wilting purple rose, surrounded by green numbers. [b]Reflection Hall:[/b] The hallway is reminiscent of the hallway of a funhouse; the paintings are narrow and as tall as the room itself. Each painting showcases a scene from everyday life, but the objects in the scene are placed as to resemble a human being. Pareidolia at its finest. [b]The White Room:[/b] The room is painted a stark white, from the floor to the walls to the ceiling. Around the room there are thirteen large paintings, each one a solid color: mossy green, neon pink, indigo, light grey, red, cream, orange, gold, brown, purple, blue, bright green, and black. If you look closely, though, you can almost see movement in the paint... [b]The Soiree:[/b] Did you enter a party? Jazz music plays throughout the hallway; even though by all rights the sound should be leaking into the adjacent rooms, it doesn't. There are numerous paintings in the hall, each depicting an attractive human, all dressed up for a fancy dinner party. The door at the far end of the hallway is locked.[/hider] [hider=2F][img=http://i.imgur.com/VgJN8ZL.png] [b]The Green Room:[/b] The room showcases a cornucopia of paintings and sculptures based on plants, trees, and flowers. If it weren't for the deep green walls, you could swear you were outside. And... for some reason it even smells like a garden. The sound of trees swaying in the wind and bird calls echo throughout the room, even though there aren't any speakers to be found... [b]The Unknown Council:[/b] The room is dark, but illuminated by thirteen spotlights. One spotlight illuminates the center of the room, while the other twelve illuminate the twelve paintings that line the walls of the room. Each painting depicts a featureless grey humanoid, wearing a garment of a single color.[/hider] [b][i]Dead Complex[/i][/b] [hider=1F][img=http://i.imgur.com/Kl13ALq.png] [b]The Sewer Tunnel:[/b] The rancid waterway extends deep into the world, with an open ceiling until about halfway down the sewer, where a tunnel begins. The light from the sun rapidly fades as you go further into the walkway, until all that's guiding you are the dim tunnel lights that bathe the sewer in a dark orange color.[/hider] [b][i]Forgotten Sketches[/i][/b] [hider=The Town][img=http://i.imgur.com/hV67zRJ.png] [b]Graphite Gardens:[/b] The black hedges easily betrays the doodle-like nature of this world. In the interior terrace small flowerbeds are arranged in rows, with each bed showcasing a different type of flower. A gazebo stands in one corner of the garden, inviting visitors with its homeliness.[/hider] [b]Rules:[/b] [list=1] [*]No godmodding, metagaming, or powerplaying.[/*] [*]As this is a casual RP, please have each post be at least a paragraph or two. However, I believe that one-liners have their place, if they are used in the right situation. This should be used VERY rarely, and it will be up to my discretion.[/*] [*]Whenever your character changes location or time-lapses in a post, please put a line stating the character's location and their current time, like the following example: [b]Friday, April 10th, 11:50PM - Old School Building[/b][/*] [*]If you're going to be away for an extended period of time for any reason, please let us know. Also, please leave an estimate of how long you're going to be gone for. Otherwise, your character may be subject to an inactivity death without prior notice.[/*] [*]Don't be a dick.[/*] [*]If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. However, be aware that I reserve the right to refuse to answer questions that could be considered spoilers.[/*] [*]Most of all, have fun! Make friends and socialize. The friendlier you are with your fellow RPers, the better the experience will be.[/*] [/list]