You guys have all made valid points, and while I appreciate the thoughts and will take them under consideration I have taken some precautions to ensure that you know... people wont' be running off on their own. No one will be able to succeed at anything in this except working as a team. I chose the Salamanders chapter purely for certain aspects they have. They tend to favor humans and will protect humans rather than just strictly going after the goal. With the release of the new IG codex "Astra Militarum" guardsmen have definitely gotten a leg up with their new 4+ BS skill and 3+ and or 4+ armor saves they've really been beefed up and become less of a meat shield army. I plan on keeping the inquisition very few and far between as there wouldn't be a WHOLE lot of them. Probably going to restrict the big { ] [ } to a maximum of two players. Salamanders are one of the best chapters (It's what i play in real life), but it was between them Smurfs or Angels, and i don't like angels or smurfs lol.