[center] It is the 41st Millenium, and the Imperium of man is besieged on all sides by Xenos filth, ranging from the battle hungry Orks, to merciless world eating Tyranids. Heretics, Witches, Traitors attack the Imperium from both the inside and out. The only thing that stands in all the enemies way is The Vast Backbone of the Imperium the Imperial Guard, the Elite Soldiers of the Emperor Adeptus Astartes, and those that cleanse the Imperium with Faith and Fire The Inquisition. There are untold billions of men and women in this Galaxy and you are, but one. You will not be missed. There is no time for Peace There is no Respite There is No Forgiveness. There is only War. [/center] [img= http://i60.tinypic.com/affw60.jpg] You have been called, to fulfill your duty to the Emperor be you Astartes, Inquisition, Storm Trooper, or a Guardsmen. The planet Kalvarstad has come under attack by Heretics, even now Traitor Guard and Marines slaughter civilians and PDF forces alike without much to stop them as their Daemonic allies rush forth from the warp portals. No one is sure, why but Psykers seem to grow dizy and weary on this planet though they seem drawn there. No one has ever seen the forces of Chaos work with such a method to get to a certain hive as they seem to be doing now rather than wanton slaughter. [hider=Astartes] [img= http://wh40kart.im/_images/a5cd7b8428d216a8b1bf4da1df07b415.jpg] You are of the noble Space Marines Salamander Chapter! You are arriving to defend the Imperium, to retrieve something so important that a three whole companies have been called. (Any Armor or weapons from the Astartes armory. This does not include relic weapons. This do not include dreadnoughts.) Starting point, Arriving VIA Drop Storm Eagles to high level of Hive 7 [/hider] [hider2=Inquisition] [img= http://wh40kart.im/_images/9e083a8a42ca677f95f065ff53860997.jpg] The secretive and powerful inquisition. You are a fierce warrior of the Ecclissiarchy and no one else knows the secrets you do. Whether you be a stormtrooper a inquisitor or even a assassin. You are one of the best of the best. (Storm Troopers may pick from Imperial Guard armory and Storm Trooper armory. Inquisitors are welcome to just about anything within reason. Assassins are welcome to the calixus assassins armory.) Starting Point, Beginning in Mid level of Hive 7 [/hider2] [hider=Imperial Guard] [img= http://wh40kart.im/_images/aae60d122c3e066d3ddb467cb1d875f8.jpg]The Backbone of the empire a well trained soldier but all to often your life expectancy in battle isn’t more than a few minutes. You are proud and you are brave you will fight and die as needed. (Imperial Guard may take any weapon from the imperial guard armory. All Guardsmen are Cadians.) Starting Point, Mid Level Hive 7 [/hider] CURRENT OBJECTIVES! -Push back all Heretic Forces from lower levels of Hive 7 -Find a way to enter into Hive 3 the Origin of the Heretic Incursion -Find source of Ruinous Powers -Find Minostorum Priest Jasper Ells. Last Seen in Hive 3 With your Character Sheet I will put it through a scrutinizing application style. This means that I may reject your Character application if I feel it is not up to standard. Though the thing is I won’t outright reject, I will tell you what you need to change to have it accepted. PLEASE READ how many slots are open per faction! I’m sure you don’t want to waste your time applying for a character slot that is full up. [hider=CS Skeleton] Name: Faction: (Adeptus Astartes, Inquisition Etc.) Sub Faction: (If Necessary Salamanders, Storm Trooper, Calixus Assassin etc.) Sex: (Females cannot be astartes. Sorry It’s just way to canon. You can however be a inquisitor in power armor.) Age: Rank: (No Chapter Masters, No Company Commanders. Commissars are allowed. Captains are allowed. ) Specialty: (Demolitions, Heavy weapons, Close Combat etc) Equipment: (Arms Armor etcetc. This includes mechanical limbs) Psyker: (Yes? No? If so what type.) Personality: (Give me a idea. You don’t have to be super long, just give me something.) History: (Two paragraphs at least.) Appearance: (images are welcome, written descriptions are also welcome. Written descriptions should be very detailed. No ANIME PICTURES! Drawn art is fine, but if it is done in a Japanimation fashion I will not accept your sheet.) [/hider] Rules. Why do I need to post anything here? Use your common sense, be respectful accept my decisions. Be polite with your fellow RPers. Oh and no one liners come on people, try a little harder than just throwing up a sentence. [b]READ THIS!!![/b] Dealing with Absence, PM me say it in the OOC I don’t care if you are going to be unable to post for 2 or more days (which I think is more than fair for all the players that will be involved) I need to know I will even NPC your character for you and give it 100% plot armor till you return if necessary. IF YOU DO NOT inform me of your absence I will NPC your character to keep the roleplay moving. If I have to NPC your character more than two times in a row. Your character will be forfeit and WILL die. This is to make sure the RP continues to move along and that no one is holding it up. Those kinds of things are what kill RPs and WH40k is easily one of the most murderable RPs around, so I’m taking as many precautions as possible.