[Center][IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/2z4dyk5.jpg[/IMG] [B]Year 1 ~ Spring 2 7:00 AM ~ Mostly Sunny ~ Warm No Announcements[/B][/Center] It was a sunny day of Spring. The birds chirped as they soared through partly cloudy skies, and the breeze was refreshing enough to refresh anyone outside in the warm weather. It was a fine day for Mayor Alenko to sit outside for awhile, in front of his house. He enjoyed just watching the ocean and hearing the waves hit the shore. There weren't many problems in Mineral Town, and he was thankful for that. Though, he had one concern. And that was about David, their new farmer. He seemed good, sounded truthful and reliable, but was still only a child in the Mayor's eyes. Alenko worried about him possibly giving up in the future, not able to handle the work. But his words had told Alenko a bit differently than that. He said he'd restore the farm to it's former glory for the sake of the man he thought of as a grandfather. He had determination in his voice, and the look in his eyes made Alenko put faith in him. Was it the right decision? Maybe. He couldn't be sure until results rolled in, he could only hope he made the correct move in trusting a young one like him to do so much work on his own. He figured the boy was wandering about as of now, trying to get used to his surroundings. He was from the city, after all. He wasn't used to being in such a small town, and it'd probably be awkward for him. Of course, he hadn't seemed that bothered by the change. In fact, he appeared quite pleased already. Alenko was sure he'd fit in fine with the colorful individuals of Mineral Town, adding hi He smiled, silently watching the ocean as he thought about the possible outcomes. As the more he put thought into it, the more apparent it was that the boy's life could go in quite a few directions. Some more pleasant than others... --- [Center][B]Meanwhile, with David...[/B][/Center] David was simply looking over the land he now owned. It was a mess, certainly. Rocks and logs were scattered across his field, some of the fencing and buildings were in need of repair, and the place in general just needed some... Improvements. "Ah can't believe it's all mine." David said to himself, smiling as he walked around aimlessly. He wasn't able to express how happy he was to be here, to be a farmer at last! He had learned a lot from that old man over the years, and had kept himself in good shape as well. He could finally put it all to work, and couldn't express how excited he was to do so. Of course, there were a few things on David's mind. He knew for certain there was something he wanted to do before getting started. "Ah ought to maybe take a little look around town." He told himself, figuring it to be a good idea. He lived here now, right? It'd be a good idea to maybe meet somebody and introduce himself. Little did he know that word traveled fast in a small town, and most of the residents already knew there was a new farmboy around. Oblivious to the fact, he began walking away from the farm down the only road he saw. It soon enough went in two directions; he could go forward, or right. He decided to go right for no reason in particular, putting his hands inside his pockets as he continued walking, and taking in the beauty of the town. The place looked so nice, and cozy. He felt like he was meant to be in this town. It wasn't too loud, there weren't people filling the streets; He felt happy already. And the small grin on his face expressed that. He took in the fresh air and exhaled, stopping for a moment as he began hearing something. He couldn't pin what it was, but he continued walking up the road in hopes of finding the source. Soon enough, he discovered the source. There was a sort of farm, with a bunch of chickens that David could easily see. "Chickens, huh?" He commented as he watched on, simply standing in the road, starring at the chickens. He liked chickens, they were cute, in his opinion. They were also pretty funny, running around like mad at times. He was certainly enjoying the sight and finding the scene funny in it's own little way.