I had created a superhero RP, but it seems to have died. Anyway, my plot for it was that an organization was created to prevent further generations of metahumans ( superheroes/villains). Therefore, they targeted the teenager metas, ones who - in their perspective - were dangerous and uncontrollable. In addition to that, they weren't as skilled as older heroes/villains. In order to battle against and capture them, the organization used acquired meta DNA to create their own weapon. This weapon, a cloned meta, was found too powerful for one Hero. In effect, other heroes had to help out in order to stop the meta clone. That's what my concept had been for my rp. What went wrong was the disappearance of an important member, so it's been difficult. Anyhow, that's just an idea. If this RP takes off, I'd like to have that set plot you're talkin about, but I'd also like for it to be character driven. What I mean by that, is that there should be, may we say 'sagas', that are developed by a characters backstory. For example: Dave, alias Heatblast, was born to a family of thieves. His parents went to jail, so he decided to become a hero, all in attempt to not turn out like his parents. Couple months after he joined a superhuman team, his parents escape prison and take the names of Sharpshooter and Darkshade. They start robbing banks and hurting people. Blah blah blah - the team has to stop Daves parents, blah blah. I just want the characters background to have some effect in the overall story - that's all I'm sayin. All this is an idea I'd like to throw out there. As for setting, I'd like a city/futuristic style location. Not too far into the future though.