You could have sworn you were in your classroom half a second ago. Also woah, what is this collar around your neck? Looking around, you find yourself in a classroom empty of anything but another person, a single locker, and a piece of paper hung on the blackboard. A closer inspection shows an image of an unfamiliar face. Or was it familiar? As you try to recall anything from your past, the memory of you sitting in your classroom slowly disintegrates to simply you sitting into a desk, that memory starting to fade as well the more you cling onto it. As the other person in the room slowly starts to wake up, a loud screech is heard above. The hiss of static blurs the voice on the announcements, a genderless voice greeting you with: "Welcome, students of Midori Ga. Each of you have taken part in a very special ritual in order to grant your wish. I understand you don't remember, but please keep in mind that the following activity is occurring with your approval. Please take a look at your designated classroom's blackboard-" You glance at the board again, the confused shuffling of footsteps from the other person in the room following suit. The voice continued- "This person is your assigned target. If you look in your lockers, you will find a weapon for you and your partner. Please kill your target by the time the sun sets. Success will result in becoming a step closer to achieving your dream, and if we feel it worthy, you may also receive a bit of your memory." "Failure results in the loss of a limb." The sentence seemed to strike particularly in your left hand area, and somehow, subconsciously, you understood that it would be the first limb to go. Gathering from the way your partner was looking at their hand as well, you figured the same went for them. Opening and closing your hand, the rest of the announcements seemed to wash over your body in a numbing result. --- [indent]The rules of the activity were simple.[/indent] >You were assigned a room each, which would equal as a safe zone. Those targeting you would not be able to enter your classroom. >It is not necessary to return to your assigned classroom after each day. Realize however, that your target for the next day will only appear in your assigned classroom. >You are free to take the paper with your target with you. >Your choker holds a piece of paper, on which you have written your wish. You can choose to open this only once, and when you do, you must change it. --- Okay that's as far as I've gotten in terms of plot wise tbh along with other rps im probably just gonna make this one up as i go along i know how the deaths are gonna be settled tho probably gonna involve some coin flipping or die tossing if put in a do or die situation, heads might mean u die and tails might mean u live or i could just say you die bc im the gm hahahahaha but no seriously let's try this