[quote=idkman] As his stomach filled, Iggy decided to break the strange silence between the two."So, Saber..." "Tell me" "What do you want out the Grail?" [/quote] Saber paused in his consuming his sixth pizza. "To be honest...I'm not sure." Saber admitted. "There are many things that I could want. That is man's lot, after all. I could wish for battles lost to be won instead, friends who died to have lived, tragedies averted and miracles sent where and when they were needed most. But for all the bad that has happened in my life, good also came of it; for all is part of the Lord's plan. If I were to wish that certain events did or did not come to pass, I would be inadvertently be disrupting that plan. Yet, He guided events such that you found a catalyst capable of summoning me, so that I would be your Servant, and participate in this War. So perhaps He desires me to enact some change. So, I will simply allow Him to guide me, as I have always done."