[i]"Oh, this is going to be great. Travelling with these people is sure to get me not murdered! Especially this bratty kid. He's not the sharpest in the shed, though he certainly does seem like a tool. I hope I don't have to do anything drastic to him." [/i] Braud thinks to himself as he sees the door slowly raise up in response to Finn's touch. He makes a mental note to always be ready to act with a party member down in case Finn goes and gets his dumbass killed. Which might not take too long, because Braud has a suspicion that the kid will launch himself at the first enemy he sees, armed or not. Which, seeing that there is a group of enemies right behind said door, his thesis will probably be proved very shortly. While taking into account his options, he sees some sort of elf launch himself at one of the opponents. Okay he'll probably die, so disregard him. Mr. Sunshine, oddly enough, stands and waits in a poised position. Would have thought he'd charge immediately as well. Didn't really give him enough credit. Braud does the same, not moving towards them at all, but instead raising his hands chest level and thrusting them outward. With a sharp yell, a meaty projectile forms in between his hands and rockets forward, whistling through the air towards the fellow with the hatchet. He seems frail and fragile enough, so the meatball should either: Rocket right through him, or: Cripple him by breaking all of his bones where it hits. Either way seems pretty effective. After firing, Braud takes a couple of deep breaths and backs up slightly. He can fire a lot of those, but its probably best to not get too used to using magic when they havent even really started yet.