Totally didn't check this thread after posting. Anywho, I have a male friend at school and people always ask if we're siblings/twins. Someone came up to us when we were sitting on the bleachers in PE and asked if we were twins, and then recently when I wasn't even near him, someone told me that I looked like him, without even having seen us side by side. Personally, I think it's because we wear similar glasses, both have a similar head shape and jawline, and have similar hair color/hairstyles. Although I've gotten less of those comments since I dyed my hair blue and started wearing it down. [quote=ImANargleHunter] Sometimes my parents call me by the dog's name. [/quote] Whenever my grandmother (not senile at all, just bad with names) tries to say my name she winds up calling out my aunt's name, then my cousins, then mine because all of our names start with T. My dad also used to call me by my sister's name and vice versa when one of us talked and he couldn't see us, because for a couple years our voices were nearly identical.