Cool beans, here we go. [hider=Igam Bregger]Name: Igam Bregger Faction: Inquisition Sub Faction: Adeptus Astra Telepathica Sex: Male Age: 38 Rank: Lieutenant Savant Specialty: Psyker Equipment: -Flak armor -Several inhibitors implanted in his skull -Force staff -Las-pistol -Robes -Several holy artifacts to ensure piety and safety from the warp. Psyker: Yes, telekinetic. Throwing rocks, crushing people, etc. Personality: Like all psykers, Igam has trouble connecting with the common man. He has an extreme deference to authority, but otherwise, will try to distance himself from others. He has trouble speaking openly around others. Crowds of people, especially non-military, can cause him to panic slightly. When he speaks, he tries to make it as brief as possible, hoping to minimize any social contact by using one or two word answers. While understandably withdrawn, he has a hobby of playing regicide with any who can stand his company for long enough to play. History: Igam was born on a feudal world. He was picked up at 16 when the regular reaping of soldiers for the imperial guard came about, and he was noticed by a sanctioned psyker. He was put under military custody until a Black Ship could come to the planet. He was found a suitable candidate for a sanctioned psyker, and was trained. He served as neonate and aspirant, and quickly distinguished him as both powerful, and stable. Igam served in a psyker battle squad under a primaris psyker in the Imperial Guard until he was 30. He was promoted when the entirety of his squad succumbed to the perils of the warp save him, which garnered him the notice of the Inquisition. He was scooped up, and changed hands several times over the years. He was specially selected for assignment on the planet of Kalvarstad due to his mental stability. He has spent several months preparing for his next mission, and while he is naturally apprehensive, he accepted his orders without question. He was placed under the authority of an inquisitor already on the way to Kalvarstad. Appearance: [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [/hider]