"I know you all might be a bit envious," flashing a playful glance at Envy "but shouldn't it be obvious that I'm the best sin? I mean, just look at the humans, all of them are consumed by lust. Though the ones lusting for sex seem to be concentrated in the male population...everyone wants in on their guilty pleasures." He smirked looking at the rest of the sins who seem to be boiling with vexation. "It's a bit hard to accept I know but can't you all just deal with it?" Of course, he was kidding, as he always enjoyed getting reactions out of his friends. Lust turned around on his heels and proceeded to walk away before he noticed Gluttony lounging on his red couch (as usual). "Oh don't be such a fatass." Lust teased, "You should learn to share you know." He reached his arm out and grabbed the plastic container which contained the half eaten cheesecake as well as Gluttony's used fork. He broke a small piece off the cake and inserted it into his mouth when his expression changed almost immediately into a look of pure contentment.