Josef look interestingly at the match. Four years ago he also used a Heavy Arms Kai in the tournament but didn't get that far. The closest thing he can to an achievement with it is surviving the battle royale against heavily customised Qubeley while his allies were picked off. Lindemann watched the Danish champion's battle and made her feel nostalgic of several years ago. She snapped herself back to reality that she'll never be able to relive them again. It was soon her turn to battle and made her way to the battlefield, just passing Brian still in his disguise. "He used Instructor's model." She thought. The Argentinian Champion's GM Sniper II struggled to find the Gundam Spiegel in their battlefield that took place in the generated forest of the Sanc Kingdom. "She'll get me first at this rate..." He panicked, looking for the German champion. His camera suddenly showed several Gundam Spiegels, confusing him further and shot erratically at his approaching opponent(s), turning out to be just shadow clones. The shadow clones disappeared as the Neo-German Gundam came closer and spun rapidly like a top with blades. "Sturm Und Drang!" Lindemann shouted out of impulse and made short work of the GM Sniper II, slicing it in half. She was shortly embarrased that the Mobile Fighter compelled her to name her attacks. As she won the battle she claimed her rental Gunpla and returned to the lounge. Kartal walked to the large battlefield at the centre of the stadium and saw Hector with the Qubeley. They both placed their kits and the GP Base and notably the manufacturer of the models were listed as PPSE. "Kartal Korkusuz, Gundam X Divider launching!" He shouted as the rental Gunpla came to life. The battle was brought outside the Lunar city of Granada, allowing little gravity for the use of funnels. Hector's Qubeley stood in the middle of the battlefield waiting for his rival to strike. He noticed the X Divider hesistant to attack. "Kartal, I was expecting a full attack from you." He taunted. The X Divider held it's shield. "I just thought you should go first this time." He bluffed his fear. "As you say then." The funnels exited the Qubeley and fired beam shots while approaching the Turkish champion. Kartal was blinded by his traumatic experience, making him avoid by instinct. He gave a few counter shots to the funnels with his beam machine gun but they missed by large margins. "I can't dodge them all... I can't dodge them all..." He muttered to himself, his face frozen. Hector laughed at how pathetic his opponent became. "I didn't know you had a weakness." He laughed. "Let me think: It's the Qubeley. Something must've made you fear it! How lucky am I to receive this model!" Sanada watched the battle from the lounge. He noticed the strange movement of the X Divider desperately avoiding the bits and returning fire like he's blind. "What's going on with him all of a sudden?" He said to himself.