So here's my character, partner and sister to Derpestein's Graian Darkeyes. I hope it doesn't suffer from the character problems Varionus mentioned: --- [b]Name:[/b] Maya Darkeyes [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=] Golden brown eyes, long, sea-green hair, tall. (Minus the schoolgirl outfit of course.) [b]Personality:[/b] Confident, responsible, dependable, cheerful, outgoing, Maya at first glance looks like a delicate palace rose, but her words and actions speak otherwise. She is surprisingly inelegant and unrefined, though she at least manages to not be rude for the most part. She always leaps before she looks and thinks that any problem can be solved with a bit of elbow grease, any conflict can be resolved with a bit of roughhousing. She doesn't dislike 'girly' things; she simply prefers 'boy' stuff, and has an intense obsession for metalworking and loves to admire armor and weapons. She is quite academically challenged. [b]Disabilities:[/b] None, unless you consider simple-mindedness a disability. [b]Equipment:[/b] [img=] She brought this suit of armor from home with her when she realized she would be becoming a knight, unaware that armor wasn't a mandatory aspect of being a knight. (Minus the battleaxe and shield, Sadame needs NO SHIELD!) I entirely expect people to confuse her for a man in this armor. [b]History:[/b] The firstborn to the Darkeyes House, Maya was groomed to be a noblewoman from birth, but she would always be the one bringing frogs to show the other nobles' daughters, or leading the other nobles' sons out to climb trees or scuffle in the mud. She and her brother rarely saw eye to eye, while he excelled in academics, she suffered, where she was physically stronger, he was weaker. Where she tried to please those around her and make friends, he was snarky, sarcastic and standoffish. She felt it was her duty as the older sibling to teach him respect, but this only made him resent her older-sibling authority even more. In the end, Maya is more worried for Graian's future as a nobleman, since he would ultimately be the one inheriting the Darkeyes name, and a noble who alienated himself was just asking for trouble. [b]Paired with:[/b] Graian Darkeyes [b]Emotional bond description:[/b] Sibling Rivalry [b]Artifact:[/b] The Mortal Coil: A chain-sickle [b]Artifact description/pic:[/b] [img=] The Mortal Coil is a chain of indefinite length stored within the shadows of Maya's armor. One end is a small sickle, the other is a weight. It's ability is defensive, it can be projected from the cracks of Maya's armor as multiple chains that intertwine in a spiderweb fashion, creating a defensive and immovable screen. The screen is 15 feet to either side, and 15 feet high, with Maya at the origin of the semicircle. While the screen is active, it and Maya cannot move. For offense, Maya can swing the chain around and use the sickle. It would make for an effective, close-to-medium range weapon, but for the time being, Maya does not have the finesse to use it to its full potential, and uses it much the same way a biker might use a chain. Other: Though Maya grew up in luxury, she doesn't differentiate between high-quality and low-quality, she can enjoy peasant's food just as merrily as a five-course meal, wear denim just as comfortably as a silk dress, and sleep just as soundly on a straw cot as a goose-down pillow.