[i]Rose Castle[/i] The courtroom was abuzz with activity. The spacious room, with an impossibly tall vaulted roof supported by columns of carved and intricately chiselled marble, was filled with people. The noble court had gathered, though, noticeably, at least a third of the seats that were designated for them were empty or filled with much younger people than the majority. Marren sat amongst them, leaning forwards on his tall backed wooden chair with his chin propped up on entwined fingers as he watched the proceedings unfold below him. He wore what amounted to the 'standard' garb of the Rosilian elite, though due to incredibly differing tastes and variety of design the word standard wasn't an apt description. He wore a long, loose sleeved white silk shirt embroidered with green vines with golden flower bulbs sprouting from them. Over it went a green cloth vest with embroidered black vines and trimmed with gold thread on the edges. His trousers were also of similar design and material as his shirt, tucked into knee high, black leather boots trimmed with gold and embroidered with silver. “....the threat is quite real, you're majesties” the man on the podium below, Lord Kaster, addressed the rulers of Rose dressed in a white and purple toga. There were some murmuring at his words though they sounded dismissive. Kaster pressed on however “Kantle will not stop, King Bolivar will not stop. The breaking of the road will not halt Kantilian advance. Their dragon riders dominate the sky while we sit behind our walls and defences under the foolish illusion that they cannot invade us!” The grumbling grew louder though the King, sat forward with one hand holding his chin waved for the noise to die down. The Queen remained ever passive. Kaster continued as the noise died down “Those poor wretches who could flee Kantle tell of tales of Kantle's ambitions, Bolivar's new mounts. Massive beasts who can transport entire cohorts of Kantilian soldiers” “Those are mere rumours” someone called out “Spoken by frightened and mad fools. Some of them are probably spies, sent here to sow fear!” Kaster turned towards the voice, anger on his face “And you are an ignorant fool who knows has no idea of the lengths Kantle will go to finish this war!” More shouts rose from the crowd. Kaster had his supporters, but they were very clearly outnumbered by those who opposed them. Then, the queen raised her white gloved hand and the guards banged the butt's of their spears against the ground. Silence came quickly. The queen spoke, her voice carrying across the room. “Thank you lord Kaster, we will think about this matter. The war is obviously our main concern as of this moment and any moves made by Kantle must be considered” her gaze swept the crowd, blue eyes seemingly piercing those she looked upon. Then they settled on Marren. He swallowed a lump in his throat. “Lord Marren” she began, the assembled crowd turning their gazes upon him. His heart beat faster, thumping like a deep war drum. “I believe you have a proposal relating to this matter” All he could do was nod, seemingly unable to look away from her gaze. “Well then, step on the podium and present it” He licked his suddenly dry lip as he got up and moved towards the podium. As he passed by Kaster the older man gave him a glance, looking unsure but not hostile. That could not be said for some of the gathered nobility who looked at him with barely disguised hostility. [i]They are like vultures[/i], he thought as he stepped up on the podium facing the King and Queen, [i]'they will circle a weakened prey, but, you will find no weakness here'[/i]. “Speak, Marren of house Kolkochi” The King spoke. He nodded, taking a breath. “I have come here to propose a definitive solution to the problem of defending against Kantle” The silence that came after was as sudden as it was clear. One could even hear the birds outside the castle. The King furrowed his brows at him, moving his hand from his chin to place both arms on his knees. The Queen, ever expressionless, had raised a curious brow. Many of the nobles were stunned, either in the sheer audacity of the statement or just confusion. Marren was suddenly self-concious, sweat forming at the back of his neck. “My explorations have given me ample evidence that point to the location of the Sapphire of Mystery” If they were not shocked before, that got their attention. “The ruins I had found, combined with the research I had commissioned on the matter point to a location deep within No Man's Land that has been rarely explored due to difficulties of weather and wild beasts. I believe there is the place that the Sapphire is located” The room suddenly erupted into shouting, many calling Marren ridiculous and foolish, telling child's tales and accepting myth as truth. Marren for his part simply stood in silence, looking at the royals. The King had taken on a serious expression and the Queen regarded him with her piercing eyes. The queen raised her hands, the guards banged the butts of their spears, and the noise died down again. “There are some who had tried to go there Lord Marren, you are aware of their fate?” The King spoke. Marren nodded “Yes, all disappeared and presumed dead. But” he looked at them with a determined expression “There may be a way to reach that far and beyond” he swallowed. “The warmongers of Kantle, they are determined to cross the gap that lay between us. I have questioned some of the refugees that came over and, as Lord Kaster pointed out, they are indeed creating something big. These...chariots of the sky, I believe are transports-” He was cut off by mocking laughter, then shouting from Kaster and his supporters, then an argument. The King's brow twitched and his expression darkened. “SILENCE!” his voice boomed throughout the court and cut short any other noise as those who were arguing now suddenly looked down or away. His gaze returned to Marren “Let me assume what you are getting to, you wish for a sky chariot of your own to cross No Man's Land?” Marren nodded. The King continued “That is an incredibly ridiculous suggestion” Marren was about to speak but was cut off by a look from the Queen. “But, let us for now assume that these sky chariots are indeed real and possible. We have no knowledge of how to build them and, with the war, few resources to do so even if we did”. His gaze sought Marren's “So, how do you suggest solving these problems?” Marrens heart was beating in his ears. “Kantle does” he replied, the King raised his brow. “Kantle is building them” he took a breath, nerves on edge, the tips of his fingers cold “I propose we steal the blueprints, or get someone who does know how” The King looked at him, then at the Queen. They seemed to share a thought for a moment before she nodded and the King turned to him. “You certainly have earned your reputation. Daring and incredibly foolish” Marren replied quickly “I need only a small team, we will infiltrate Kantle and prove once and for all that Kantle is indeed constructing sky chariots. Or we can search amongst the refugees for anyone with such knowledge” The King opened his mouth to speak but Marren cut him off “I will pay out of my own coffers, I will outfit the team, lead it. I only need people and your blessing for this expedition. The Crown will lose nothing, and the reward will be great” The room was quiet with some murmuring in the background. Many were looking to the royals for their reply. The King and Queen looked to each other again for a moment before the reply came form the Queen. “Lord Marren of House Kolkochi, you will be given permission to lead the expedition”. Marren sighed, smile forming on his lips “But” the Queen continued “No more than a handful are to accompany you on this journey and only one solider shall be granted to you from the crown. The rest will be up to you to acquire. Choose wisely” The room stared in silent confusion. Had the royals actually blessed this ludicrous task? Well, to Marren, they had and he left the courtroom with a thumping heart but a victorious smirk.