James was sitting in the center of the room, alone standing there typing into a computer, when suddenly farmamones filled the room. He looked up a smile creeping on to his face, he said “Hello, im sure you're wondering why you're all here, all i can tell you is… Life as it was has changed. In order to save you all from pharmaceutical genocide Doctor Anima put all of us in a stasis for two years locked away in this facility. As far as i can tell the outside world doesn't even know this bunker is here. Oh i almost forgot… My names James Dowley. I was head of design on Anima’s team.” He then picked up a small remote and clicked a button at the ceiling, “You see the world out there is killing itself, and we are the only ones able to stop it…” A small ladder fell from the ceiling, and James pointed at it. “If you would like to leave and join the rest of the slaves walking the surface of the earth, you may be my guest, but…” He said looking back at the people standing in the now crowded room. “Of course if you would like to stay here and help me it would be most appreciated, i wont make any of you stay here.” He grabbed his notebook from the top of the computer he was at leaving the small receptionist area he usually came to work when he thought they would wake up, today had not been one of those days. James had come to check the pressurization of the zero G chamber at the very bottom of the bunker, and rather than walking 30 flights down, he simply went on the computer. James began walking to the stairs and motioned for them to follow. “You each will have your own room on a floor. If you do not like your room or your neighbors there are 869 rooms in this facility, im sure one of them will suit your needs. To be honest.” He chuckled. “I've never even been in every room… so if you’d like to find out who you were, well i suppose you could look around for a while, though I will only warn you once about Testing room 13, I cannot guarantee your safety there.” They walked down two flights of stairs and entered floor 3. “This down to floor 15 is where you will be staying, each apartment is equipped with all you need, breakfast is at 9, training is at 11…” Then he walked to the clipboard on the closest wall and handed it to the group. He saw the looks on their faces, the questioning in their eyes the same things he had felt when he himself had first woken up. “If you have any questions before we start I will be back up on floor two the door we passed on the way here. Also there are about 28 rooms give or take on on each floor, so there are about 262 rooms that you can pick from, and to put it simply… Im not sure who all of you are… but I know you're my responsibility now, i look so forward to working together.” James closed the door before anyone could say anything and walked back to his quarters on floor two. He closed the door to his room and pressed his back against it, and felt the weight of his task. It had been a long time since he had cried like this… A very long time... OOC: Music for this post if you want to know whats playing in the background [Youtube]UliIfbSyhjQ[/youtube] in regards to his life changing again and him having to lead it... lol dont have to click it