Why the hell wouldn't they include the dart gun? I lived that thing in three... Something interesting I learned during my new playthroughw of NV... GRA added some AWESOME stuff... I started using the anti material rifle for th first time this play though, and thanks to realizing "hey rather than condensing my inventory to make trips to the vendors faster, I could have ED-E repair everything to full condition before selling it and ill get rich!" (Thanks to lonesome road alone I made well over 120k in caps, and I didn't think of this until killing Rawr...) I began using my riches to purchase the special ammos for the different weapons, and the first I tested was .50 explosive. Ho-ly shit... Took it for a test run by clearing out the quarry near Sloan... I killed the deathclaw den mother and all but one of the baby deathclaws with a single sneak attack... The Alpha took one to the hea and was destroyed... And the rest of the deathclaws were just dropping like flies.