Alex took the leaf. New experiences are good right? Alex just placed it in his mouth. Trusting Elsa it wasn't poisonous or something. The thought of a meal had sorta brought part of him to life. [i].... Food?[/i] Alex then saw how she tried to dodge the spikes. With a slight tilt of the hand, even though it wasn't a necessary action, the spikes disappeared into thin air. [i]... If this is reality.... It is more tolerable then I expected.[/i] Alex thought. He proceeded to walk and then began to climb a tree using his gloves. Producing little noise. He would have to be stealthy. [i] My presence will never be detected here. But Elsa found you up in a tre- Shut up[/I] Alex leaped to another tree swiftly. The sound of the feet still faint but something new fed the senses curiousity. Smoke began to fill the air.