[center][b]Villain[/b][/center] Unlike many others, Robin was enjoying the walk. As a beginning specialist of earth magic, ze was feeling pretty literally that ze was on zir element. The water was only thing which undermined zir comfortable feeling, but even that was completely bearable. All in all, Robin’s mood had been better than usually ever since ze had arrived into the dungeon. Mother’s death was of course always at the back of zir mind, but it was not like Robin had known her very well. And some of zir new companions were rather… annoying, to put it mildly. But they were companions regardless, which was slightly interesting. Robin hadn’t really had anything like that before. Robin let zir hand travel around the wall of tunnel and feel its various shapes. "Uh, is it just me or are we running out of space?" Soren suddenly asked. Robin looked around zirself and noticed that it really might be the case. [i]I didn’t notice that at all. Maybe I have focused too much on details and missed the big picture. That’s important to remember, I need to learn to see the whole if I want to really be useful in our mission.[/i] “Maybe a bit”, ze said. “If you want to, I can broaden the tunnel.” Edit: Added the word villain to the top.