Shisen woke up a second later than she normally did, looking around disorientated, this was room different and it wasn't home. Like always, she never realized where she was until a few moments after her eyes opened, it was how it worked in the morning as sleep seemed to take everything away and she would wake up only to find her dreams of her parents being alive, only a dream. There was a small whine coming from the right side of the bed, with a smile she got up and went over to pet Arashi who gave an appreciative bark before laying down, allowing Shisen to get dressed. Dressing in her black pants that easily allowed swift movement and her white almost cream colored shirt, the last item was a thick fur jacket that her mother used to wear. She put the leaf headband on last, it was what marked as a full fletched Genin now, no longer an Academy student and not a poor little girl, a Genin. The red ink that she mixed to put the fang markings on her cheeks, the mark of the Inuzuka, she felt proud to wear them, proud that she carried the pride of the Inuzuka with her. "We made to a Genin, Arashi" Shisen said calmly staring at the reflexion of herself like she almost didn't recognize who she was anymore, was she any different? Shaking her head as she turned with Arashi on her heels out of her room, this room not her room, leaving the room and into the main part of her house. "Bye" Shisen said to them, leaving this house. Never once did she call either of them mother or father, she would never accept them as either. "Arashi, are you ready for this?" Shisen asked her Niken. A small smile formed on her lips, she remembered when she met Arashi, everyone said that she was dangerous and out of control, but not her. Shisen knew from the start that they would work perfectly and they had. The day Arashi accepted her was the day that her parents died, a bitter way to mark such a sweet memory and a sweet way to mark such a bitter memory as well. Looking around, she noticed how the common people stayed far them, afraid of Arashi and she heard the whispers. Horrible cruel whispers about her Niken, her fist clenched as she walked because it wasn't fair that they thought such horrible things about Arashi, it wasn't. Yes, her Niken was half wolf but she was as loyal and strong as the other Niken in the kennls, why didn't they understand that? A few moments later, she arrived at the training field that she caught the tail end of the speech from Shin, her fist unclenching before clenching again, they had to be in teams? She listened for her name and found it among others, with a sigh she turned to head to where her mentor, a Jounin was waiting for his team. Another moment later, she was at the designated training field, her eyes drawn to the man that was to teach her. Arashi let out a growl, one of discomfort and uncertainty, neither really liked the idea of being in a team.