[center][b]*Morella Cinder*[/b] [i]the ice queen cometh[/i][/center] [center] * ~ * * ~ * ~ * * ~ * [/center] She stood in a corner, back to the wall but near a door. She didn't really like her back to people she didn't know, she'd rather keep an eye on things for signs of trouble. Morella wore a blue hoodie, hood pulled up over her head and right above her eyes. Though it wasn't easy to tell if she was looking at you, one would likely feel a chill down their spine if her gaze fell upon them. She had her headphones on under her hoodie, and her foot tapped along to the music. "...Beware as the light is fading...beware that the dark returns..." she said to herself, softly singing along as she scanned the room she was in. A couple of girls in the corner were talking so fast that Morella wondered if their Semblance was super speed, and a few guys were gathered on the floor playing some card game. Right next to her, leaning along the same wall, some musclebound jock was on the phone complaining about his an exam, probably to his girlfriend. [i]"I know, it's bull$#!t, I'd have destroyed that guy if the judges were fair...Nah, I still got in, but so did he! ...I dunno if beating him woulda kept him out or not, I just know I looked stupid...well my friends thought so! ...Listen, babe, you're not being very supportive, I listened to you whine about your dead aunt for, like, five minutes, can ya' pipe down while I talk about my business?"[/i] Morella rolled her eyes, reaching up and increased the volume on her headphones so she didn't have to heard this guy. Other than him and the others, there was some groups of people who'd filter in and out of the room, though most of them didn't stay for more than a few minutes. Morella sighed, closing her eyes and leaning her head back. Maybe she was difficult to get along with, but it wasn't her fault that so many other Hunters were just...annoying. She peered to the left as a new figure walked from around the corner, he'd probably been in the same room with the rest for awhile. Dark brown hair and a very ratty coat, it was so faded and worn, that Morella couldn't even tell what color it was originally supposed to be. For some reason he stuck out, and Morella couldn't place why. Then she spotted his face and recognized him from the exams. He had a crap weapon, looked like it was taped together or something, but he came out with a tie. It was a risky play, but it seemed to work out for him, Morella was slightly impressed with the strategy. He looked around the room nervously, like he was preparing to...do something. Morella looked to her side at the big guy on the phone, wondering if it was the same guy in the exam as well, but all in all, she didn't exactly care what either of them was doing. She just closed her eyes and listened to the music, wishing the Airship would move faster. --- [center]~Oliver Kootz~ [i]enter the monkey boy[/i][/center] [center] /M\ /MMM\[/center] Oliver was crouching on the railing in front of the window, looking around the room and making popping noises with his mouth. [i]...So...bo-o-o-ored...[/i] he thought, sighing as he rocked back and forth. He reached into his pocket, strangely pulling out a piece of bacon, and gleefully smiled. Popping it into his mouth whole, he started munching and said to himself, "Mmmm...pocket bacon..." The pleasure was short lived, as Oliver didn't have the foresight to bring his backup pocket bacon, backup backup pocket bacon, emergency bacon, [i]or[/i] his secret taco. He'd spent the first few minutes of the ride marveling at the world outside, as he'd never been up on an Airship before, but it wasn't as exciting once all the sights turned to forests and fields. He sighed, mournfully going back to making popping noises with his lips. He glanced to his left, as a girl with long, dark hair and wolf ears sped through the room, happiness practically blasting from her as she passed. Oliver chuckled, finding her interesting, before his ear pricked beside him. He looked to his right, and further along the railing, a blonde girl with feline ears on her head was sitting down, clutching a bag between her and her knees. She had a very small smile, which quickly disappeared as she shoved her face into her bag. Oliver sighed, wondering if it was anxiety from going to a new place, maybe from being on an Airship, or something else. Regardless, she was clutching her bag like it was gonna run away, and obviously wasn't in a very good mood. Resolved to do something about it, he stood up on the railing and grabbed one of the supports running along the window to the ceiling, the metal beams had holes that were perfect for gripping. He quickly and quietly swung along from support to support, reaching one near her and hanging upside down. He reached into his satchel before he spoke. "Hey, you alright? The windows aren't gonna open and suck your bag out, if that's your worry, you can relax," he said to her. As she looked up, she'd see that he wore a big red nose around his face, and clutched a kazoo between his lips. He held three colored sandbags, and started juggling them, which looked bizarre as he was upside down. While he juggled he blew on the kazoo, sounding out "Entrance of the Gladiators," which was a tune most people associated with clowns running about. AS he blew the circus tune and juggled from his odd position, he waggled his head in a merry way, hoping his antics would cheer up this girl. He finished his song and juggling, tossing one sandbag in the air and, with some effort, catching it on his kazoo while he held his arms out. He held the pose, impressive since he had to hold the sandbag and kazoo up with his mouth, as he gave a strained reply through clenched teeth, "Ta...da...!", waiting for the girl's response.