Jackdaw's attention immediately snapped to Taerys as her voice filled the air. At first she guessed trap; voice modifiers weren't terribly uncommon. But then she saw the Varyx, the way she held herself, even beneath the armor she could just [i]imagine[/i] that look on her face. No radios? They knew there'd been no radios. She was losing her patience with the other girl, to say the least. She lowered her rifle, though the colonists' voices only barely registered in her mind. Unimportant, useless she figured if there was actually something there. Not worth the ammo, or the damage she'd sustain. Besides, they hadn't butchered Taerys yet. "Get the door back open, I shouldn't need to explain why," she snapped at one, and then approached Taerys. She circled the Varaxian once, like some predator sizing up its meal. "Did you find what brought us down or not."