[quote=Psyga315] Hm... Interesting note. I actually pondered for a bit to see if any other Multiversal Enforcement Agencies would get involved in JLM outside of Zyguard. As far as I know, though, Zyguard is the only MEA featured, and their standardized armament are the Mass-Produced Sengoku Drivers. I like the Driver's powers to emulate other Rider powers, but if I'm reading it correctly, wouldn't assimilating the powers just lead to taking powers away? If so, that's on the banned powers list. Everything in the profile seems interesting, though I need some clarification.EDIT: Someone clarified for me, so you're good. . [/quote] Ah, well, to whoever clarified, thank you very much. Yes, it doesn't depower; rather it can borrow a power willingly lent. On the first note; Yeah, I didn't know if there were any other agencies. But, I figured if there were, the MEI would probably be trying to sell to them.