[hider=Character Summery]Location: Eblistan Citadel Dungeon Health: Hungry and Alone Inventory: None[/hider] 9 was being paraded around the city, [i]"The Great Beast from the East!"[/i] is what they called him. The bad men would yell at him, pull the chain when he lagged behind, or just throw rotten food at him just for the fun of it. Women would faint, children would scream and look on in wonder, but they all looked a him. It made him supremely uncomfortable. As he lagged behind again the bad men pulled on the chain, causing him to fall into what was definitely NOT mud. The bad men began to laugh which quickly ignited a storm of laughter from the crowd. All the shame, the pain, the ridicule, the humiliation. Something inside 9 snapped, along with the strap of leather that muzzled his maw. Lunging forward 9 bit down on the closest bad mans leg and began to shake, the screams of terror and pain resounded around the block. Quickly the bad men started to flog 9 with whips, chains, clubs, anything that happened to be on hand. But it mattered not to 9, all that mattered was making them PAY. With a titanic heave, 9 tore off the bad mans leg and let out a roar of triumph before being beaten back into submission, then some. At the end of it 9 had bumps, bruises, and a dent or two but he showed them he wasn't some beast to be paraded around. Plus, their little show of brutality damaged the chains holding him captive. Give a little force and he could break out and leave this dreadful place. The now forcefully retired badman was carted off somewhere, hopefully to fester and die, before they began to bring him towards a nasty looking place that smelled of decay and misery. When they entered the building there was some commotion, something between the bad man and some man who stood guard. Whatever it was it was solved with an exchange of shiny objects. 9 was then moved into a small cage, like the one he stayed in with the pointy eared one. Uneasily, 9 saw several pointy eared ones. However he knew they weren't THE pointy eared one so he wouldn't devour them...yet. --- That was several days ago, or so he thought. Truthfully time seemed irrelevant since he didn't have any windows and nothing ever really happened besides someone new joining or leaving. 9 wasn't wasting his time however, ever since he was locked in here he has been testing the chains. Flexing and seeing them bend, straining to contain his bulk. If he were to give one big flex he was sure that he could escape, the door wouldn't be that much trouble either. So he waited, 9 might not know much but he knew that the key to a good hunt was patients, something he had much of. His persistence came with a reward as a pointy eared one escaped and caused a ruckus, fallowed by a beef man breaking his cage. With all the chaos happening at once, 9 found his chance. With a mighty strain, he popped the chains and was free of their bondage. Moving to the door, 9 brought his talons down on one side of the door before straining and peeled the iron back and escaping. Freedom at hand, he began to move to other doors and began to give them a similar treatment, just to spite the rulers of this land.