[hider=Character Summery] Location:Eblistan Citadel Dungeon Health:Not too great physically Inventory:Grubby prison cloths [/hider] Leaning against the wall next to the metal bars of the cell Tarwin had his eyes shut, he hasn't been in the cell for very long, a few days maybe and in all that time he hadn't relocated from that spot except to lie down and to go to the back and do his...Business. He hadn't eaten since the evening he was caught and his stomach was beginning to feel like it was starting to eat itself, nevertheless he tried to stay in high spirits even if that meant he somewhat annoyed his cell mates. They were an odd group but when he was tossed in he introduced himself. "Hey there." He'd said with a grin. "I'm Tarwin, it's great to be hear I'm gonna be your jester for the next few days." Telling jokes and stories was how he'd passed most of the time, he'd told them the one about the three elvish queens and the story of how dwarves first came into the world through the great cave of the ancients old stories that he'd heard since he was a boy. In the first few hours the smell of the cell had been almost unbearable but he'd managed to get used to it after a little while, at least he didn't gag every time he inhaled. For the first time since he'd been thrown into the cell Tarwin began to think about how he'd ended up in his current predicament, letting out a long sigh he began to remember the night of his detainment. The mighty and imposing structure of Duranar stood before him, the sun setting cast it in a wonderful orange glow. The human stepped closer, and glanced around to check the guards weren't around, as he had planned it was the transitional phase of shifts and the perfect window of opportunity. Untying the rope from around his waist he began to fix the grappling hook on the end before whirling it around and tossing it to the ramparts above, it snagged and he tugged a few times to make sure it was stable before starting his ascent of the castle walls. Thankfully no guards passed by and spotted him, nimbly hopping over the top of the wall the fortune seeker crept carefully inside the structure itself and began sneaking his way through, it was easy given the relaxed nature of guards inside the building itself. Sticking to the shadows and making note of any guard patrols he spotted he soon reached the restricted catacombs, rows and rows of ancient books, rarely touched and many left abandoned for decades. He strolled around knowing he was alone in the maze of texts and eventually found what he had come for, taking the ancient map book from it's shelf he flicked through the pages until he found what he was looking for a page detailing the location of a long forgotten tower containing the vast wealth of a dead king. "Gold mine." He laughed to himself and shut the book, putting it into a small satchel around his shoulder before leaving the way he had entered...Unfortunately he had lingered too long underground and waiting for him on the castle walls next to his rope were five heavily armed guards, he had drawn his sword and prepared for a fight but it had been a pointless move as by the time he was ready to charge he had been outflanked and hit over the head and knocked unconscious. Suddenly Tarwin was snapped back to the cell, eyes opening wide at the sound of a slight click sound. He focused on the female half-elf in front of her and gave her an approving nod and smile. "Nice work." He said, leaning in and speaking quiet enough so only she would hear. Since he had first entered the cell and seen the odd assortment of people and different races he knew he wasn't going to be executed, he knew it was only going to be a matter of time before one of them came up with a way out, and this half elf had proven him right. Now it was just a matter of some body leading the charge for freedom, and it was an elf who stepped up to do so rushing out and blasting a guard with magic. Letting out a slight cheer he followed suit, gesturing for the others to follow him from the cell and grabbing one of the guard's sabres as he passed the body, as well as a set of keys At the same time he noticed two more escape and join the rush to freedom, he noticed one in particular a hulking beast that had been chained up in the opposite cell was now freeing the other inmates, the more the merrier as they say. Tarwin ran ahead and sliced with the blade cutting another guard across the chest, then he took the keys and used them to open up the other cells in the hall that the creature hadn't got around to yet, a proper prison break, everyone now had the chance to go free. "C'mon! Death waits for no man but that doesn't mean you have to stay here and wait for death!" He laughed a little, sounding a bit like a madman he followed the elf magician to what he hoped would be freedom.