Its not a problem, besides I think I would be the one getting the names messed up >.< I am terrible with names! also I think I completely flopped the names sometimes I get messed up with the Japanese naming system, because I am terrible with names, it would be Hoshino Toby in Japanese Toby Hoshino in American. I think I got it right gawd my mind >.< yup I completely screwed that up my bad there >//< this once again is not a lack of knowledge of Japanese culture as I study its history often-ish and watch enough anime to make a man insane, just the Japanese naming system throws me off when it comes to comma stuff, I don't know why. However you will all soon learn that not all my marbles are there and this will all be forgotten! Also GM I apologize immensely for the confusion, even if it isn't required I try to do better in these things!