[center]Name: Anita Rikken Gender: Female Age: 19 Appearance: [img=http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/673d5ea7c70b48d293f3bdbd3faaad76/http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z259/Emo4Yew/Sword_anime_girl.jpg] Shifter Appearance: Phoenix [img=http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/28/640x515_6544_Iron_Phoenix_2d_fantasy_phoenix_girl_woman_picture_image_digital_art.jpg] [img=http://blogabove.com/wp-content/uploads/Phoenix-4.jpg] Abilities: -Knowledge with blades, specifically katanas -Decent hand to hand combat -Evasive maneuverability -Fluent in Japanese -Competent to "key points" of German, Swedish, and Spanish from her fathers various travels. (i.e. where is the bathroom, hello, goodbye and other 'necessities') Powers: Currently possessing: -Flight [in-shifted form(s)] -Fire Manipulation/Conjuring -Capable of making softball sized fireballs and throwing them. Also used as a light source in the dark -Setting her body ablaze/Rising heat temperature to combat cold or used defensively. Future development can become hot enough to melt steel in her grip -'Curling.' Making small lines of fire, drawn from her hand like a pen, and manipulating it like a thin, burning rope. Has been used to assassinate targets when the didn't suspect it but drawing it across their neck or sending it down their throats. Very difficult to control and requires all of her concentration. (This is because fire is a substance that is out of control and WANTS to be out of control. To manipulate it from becoming less than a thin line is something that takes lots of mental strength and shouldn't be attempted when tired) Future possessing: -Healing Tears -Advanced healing speeds (her own body) Background: Anita's always lived under the close watch of her father. Her mothers unfortunate death when Anita was but three years old left her father rattled, but never truly did break his spirit. A travelling entrepreneur, Anita's father never allowed her to settle in one place for long. Germany, Sweden, Spain, Japan and the USA were the most frequent jumping points her father's company, Ruudware, had them move to. She never did spend much time in the European countries however. At the most, it was for a week at a time and the only person she talked to aside from the occasional random stranger was her dad. It was lonely, spending many hours in hotel rooms on her own. Sometimes she even spent days on her own depending on what her dad had to do. Thus she learned to take care of herself, achieving an independence from her father and finally came to a point where she'd leave the hotel to see what was around on her own. Spiteful of their constant moving, Anita often fought with her father, so stubborn as to want to stay in one place for longer amounts of time than her fathers job permitted. On an excursion to Japan selling water purifiers Anita had the chance to sneak away from her hotel and explore the nearby grounds. She stumbled onto a dojo practicing feudal style swordsmanship. Fascinated with the teachings of the blade master, she watched for a while and made up her mind that she would stay. Her father was none too pleased to learn she wanted to stay, so much so that for days on end the two of them did nothing but argue. Eventually, however, Anita managed to win him over by the skin of her teeth, and only because he'd missed his flight from how much arguing they had gone into late into the night, causing her father to oversleep. Fed up, her father found her a place to board at the Dojo she had found in exchange for her assisting the blade master [i]and[/i] that she become and remain a honor student in school. She spent years after that studying, working hard on her grades, serving the blade master, and learning the way of the sword. It was hard work in the Dojo, but it was just as rewarding. Her daily duties including fetching fresh well water from the hill, sweeping, cleaning, laundry, polishing the wood floors and beating the tatami mats. Exercises started in the wee hours of the morning, having her run, doing pull ups, ab work and other miscellaneous body building exercises before even thinking about training with the sword. It wasn't all chores and fighting, however, as when her bond with the blade master grew, he introduced her to his more gentle hobbies, things he considered necessary to balance the life of a growing warrior. Of course, Anita was at first abrasive to the idea of 'gentle' hobbies, those being gardening and cooking, but it wasn't long till she warmed up to both, finding joy in them that she couldn't have comprehended before. Life was nice, she'd even been on her way to getting herself a possible boyfriend. That is, if Hiroi from class 3-1 really did have a crush on her... Her kind reality came to a grinding halt when on the way to school her body erupted into a mass of flames and wings. She'd brought down a powerline from the scale of her transformation. Several people living over the city she lived in panicked, believing her to be a great fireball in the sky. Several hours later she managed to calm down and land on the side of the nearby mountain. She had no idea what had occurred and didn't know what to do. After many hours of crouching in the woods, naked, confused, and scared, she finally decided to return to the dojo, stealing a kimono from a clothesline when no one was looking. Her blade master passed no words with her as she entered, only giving her a queer glance as she slid the paper door to her room shut. It was a few days later the government came, explained the situation to a baffled blades master, and removed Anita from her home in Japan. They put her through rigorous stealth training, using her background at the dojo to her advantage to quickly excel her in the ranks and train her to be a viable assassin. Learning to manipulate fire was more difficult and took much time to conquer. Even now, she still struggles with it a bit. Time will tell if she will adapt to her new abilities. But one thing is for sure. She's never missed her dad or her sensei any more than she has in her entire life. Personality: If Anita could be summed up in one word, it would be 'Tsundere.' She is feisty, tough, hot tempered, and stubborn. She is not above mischievous antics or pranks on others that piss her off. However, to anyone that tries to get close to her or shows her they don't mean her any wrongdoing, she is quick to soften up. She is easily embarrassed and lashes out at others when she feels she's truly in the wrong. That being said, anything to do with romance is quick to draw her in. She truly does love the idea of being in love and secretly wishes some boy would come around and sweep her off her feet like she's one of the lamer Disney princesses; having a really girly side that adores stuffed animals, candy, and other 'girlish trinkets.' Other: Theme: [youtube]knZdklFoQkY[/youtube] When she gets mad she sets her hair on fire to intimidate others. This is actually a bird-like trait of 'intimidation.' Where most birds fluff their feathers to make themselves look bigger on instinct she uses fire-hair. [/center]