More and more shrieks filled the air, millions of them from all sides, a chorus of calls. But over the walls nothing could be seen, and it wasn't because of the night shroud, whatever was out there was over the hills. Ryder and Hay followed to a collection of buildings, stepping into one they found a collection of children and elderly, not many, about fifteen in total. Each and every one afraid as the night air was willed with shrieking terror. Ryder was curious, but everyone was afraid of him, Karadons are uncommon and generally known for their violent nature. But they held and so did he. Ryder put Varus down next to Hay and then spent a few second to look everything over, then left to go and help keep the walls. Taking a position away from Jack, Six, and Ren, but still within view. Reaching behind his back to take off his Chain-Gun and his kinetic shield, activating the shield and running the eight barrels on his gun, making himself ready to fight. Out on the plains, all sound stopped suddenly. Not a whisper came. Then the ground several miles out began to move, all around the colony the dirt and grass seemed to move, shifting, tumbling, and making the ripples move closer to the walls. Similarly the shrieking returned and seemed to be getting closer.