"Uh, Erin, what's the lowest price on the Special Mega Beef Bowl?" HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELL NO. "I do not understand that question, madam. That is an item on the discount section of the menu, and that is the lowest price." See, nobody purchased that item, because it was the bulkiest, biggest item on the menu, and you literally cannot finish it. At least, nobody did yet. "Yeah, but it says 80 percent off." "Yes, from the original price. That item used to be 6155 yen, and it was in here for 3 years. We have been knocking down the price consistently in those years, simply because nobody has purchased that for incredibly long. It is now 4924 yen, and that is 80 percent of 60." "But what's the lowest you can get?" At this point, Erin was incredibly pissed off and just wanted to get this over with so he could get paid. So, his bitch mode was activated. "Ma'am, I do NOT have that kind of power around here. I am a lowly delivery boy, and a waiter, and I am getting paid minimum wage if you buy that item or not. I am trying to pay for college books for each year, and I only have one left. Those prices are incredibly high, and we are trying to make these incredibly low. I am still going to be a middle-class member of this continent if you buy this item, as I stated before. If I was higher on the totem pole and had more power, or the owner of the store, I would knock it down a few hundred yen, because I realize that having a good customer relationship will benefit future sales, but as of right NOW, the store is actually losing sales because I am helping gibbons like you, instead of other customers who genuinely want to eat. I am following the guidelines set by the owner, and I will continue to do this because of me being a lowly server." --- That was my character, Erin, getting pissed at a customer. Also, this. "I think the kind of people I hate are nutty twats who say random shit. I think that disqualifies me for a few things." That was basically one of my characters calling out one of her friends, and this one, "I think you're a twat. Or a gibbon. Maybe both." "WAKE UP, POTTER!"