Will sat through a short, uninformative public meeting, and was made to leave for the more useful private council meeting. At least, he hoped it would be more useful. It may be the case that they sent the public away to hide their ignorance on the matter. It irked him a little that the council and the "elders" had members to whom he could easily have been a great great grandparent. Of course... it also had members who made him look just as young. But now he must brave the sun again. He put his hood up and walked out the door, ahead of a lot of the group, as he had been hanging at the back of the room. He was already up at this ungodly hour of the day, and figured he may as well join in on the gossip so he didn't get it all late after the sun set. He walked up alongside Jenna Silvers as she left. "Miss Silvers," he greeted in a friendly tone of voice, "How are you this," he smirked as he pulled his hood further over his face, "[i]Fine[/i] day." He spared a glance and half smile for Rose. She troubled him some, and he was never sure why.