A good enough opening was made for Layte when the one with the axe was knocked down and the rest already seemed to have found a target other than her, two of them in particular ganging up on one guy. That wasn't really good sportsmanship on their part, even if the guy did kind of deserve it for rushing out in front. She had wanted to do the same thing as him, but not without making sure that they would have the proper support of everyone else moving forward. As it appeared at the moment there were still members of the group hanging back rather than attacking all at once. That didn't seem like a good idea to her, especially if some of their allies died because of it. Unless, of course, their deaths could be used to the advantage of the group. She didn't believe that to be the case right now, even if the guy she would now attempt to save did appear a little dense. She rushed out from the group that was hanging back, maneuvering towards the backside of the sword user who was the most immediate threat outside of the other armored enemy a little bit further away. The elf in that battle would just have to make due with his one on one fight until this other battle could conclude. If the swordsman didn't turn his attention to her before she managed to close the distance then she would reach out from behind and tear into his putrid, fragile looking neck with both clawed hands. Judging by the effects of meat boy's attack from earlier these guys could indeed be damaged, and if struggling to breath from just that attack, imagine having his throat ripped out. If he did turn his attention to her then she would hold back, staying just out of range using her high mobility to keep his attention and perhaps draw him back to the rest of the group while the foolish one she was helping could aid her in fighting that guy or fight the dagger user one on one, at least until the axe guy recovered. She didn't yet know who he would now choose to attack, but she'd have to keep her eye on him as well just in case he went for her.