FINALLY FINISHED MY APP! :3 [hider=Appearance][IMG][/IMG][/hider] Alias: S Age: 20 Role: Detective Personality: S is an extremely intelligent young man, though his 'pretty boy' appearance tends to mask his immense intellectual prowess and often leads others to doubt the validity of his abilities. A handsome young man whose sophistication and charm are rivaled by few, he is as close to the definition of ruthless as you can get - believing strongly that the ends justify the means. Despite this, he has an unusually strong sense of justice for a cutthroat investigator, and will not hesitate to use the most merciless of tactics for the sake of the greater good. He has a kind heart underneath his stoic demeanor, and cares for his comrades and innocent people even if he does not show it. However, he may sometimes smile softly if he is somewhat delighted. It can be noted that he absolutely despises those who are evil, and will put any arrogant person in his/her place if necessary. S is also exceedingly heartless and cunning, and analyzes everything(including other people) in a calm, calculating manner while remaining relaxed even in the most tense of situations. Emotions will not cloud his judgement at any period in time, allowing him to make otherwise 'hard' decisions with ease. Since he is practically stoic most of the time, it can be almost impossible to read his emotions. Much like L, he usually second-guesses whatever information is brought to him and is exceedingly meticulous and careful. Thus, precautionary measures are usually always taken before he actually meets someone. Through devious methods such as the use of subterfuge, manipulation, disinformation and misinformation along with surprisingly bold tactics, ingenious ploys and renowned deductive abilities, he solves his cases quickly and with ease. He will often recite philosophical quotes at random moments, and takes the initiative when in a group. He is shrouded in mystery. Why he/she took the Kira case: S's existence is a rumor even amidst other detectives, though rumors say that he is a genius who is only interested in solving cases of the highest level. Further rumors amidst those who have worked alongside S in the past instead say that it may have something to do with his family, though this has not been confirmed. Other: -He has long-term eidetic memory - which is essentially what others would more commonly call photographic memory. -He likes cats. S has a cat called 'cookie' whom he brings around with him. In fact, he could go on for hours on how much he loves cats. -He has a gun license.