[quote=Leotamer] I would like to join this. I would prefer bard/druid, but it seems like they are taken. However, a paladin or hunter would be fine (presuming there is room)I am probably going to be a paladin. A question about faith in this game: Do Paladins have certain gods, or do they no certain deity and just worships the whole pantheon? [/quote] One thing, you can't start with a quest, you get that later during the RP. Otherwise good! [quote=antarctic termite] Hm... Well, here's a druid, or at least a work-in-progress druid. Feel free to correct anything I've missed or should've made more detailed.So... If I haven't missed anything, Geckle is a halfling who lived in a swamp with his books but no social contact. Because he's somewhat cowardly (assuming wisdom is linked to willpower) and a poor shapeshifter, he chooses to run away and crawl under shelter instead of using his powers to hide himself. Will this do for a beginner? Does it make sense for the class? Also, is Spirit Tongue affected by Charisma? [/quote] To start with and in what sense? To convince things? Yes.