Idiots. This poor girl was surrounded by idiots. Not that this was anything new to her, but Kaguya isolated herself to avoid them. Sadly, idiot number one was sitting next to her, and idiot number two could speak to her telepathically, probably. She wasn't exactly sure which god was doing this, but it did narrow down her choices. Since she couldn't exactly pin down who this person was yet, but she would surely find this person time. Well, at least he couldn't track her down, right? Thanks to her little trick earlier, no god should be able to find another god without them telling each other. They could also run into each other by Luck, but Kaguya surely wasn't going to be granting any of their wishes any time soon. There would be no miracles coming from this NEET, not any time soon. " So, you're asking me to interfere with the affairs of another God who has yet to do anything bad to me, topple whatever her plans are when she has yet to do any harm to me, and you expect me to do that because she is bringing back the dead? Why should I care about a few rotting meat sacks running around? How can they be denied an afterlife? Their souls have already moved on. At the moment, they're just meat doll puppets following the orders of their puppet master. If anyone is in the wrong, it is you. You are the one taking the souls of the living, and while I'm not sure what you're doing with them, I'm pretty sure they can't move on while you're in control of them. You should be the one that should be stopped, not her. " Kaguya could care less what either of them did for now. She needed to setup some things up before she could even bother dealing with these people. Give her a few days however, and all of the gods will be bowing before her might. Oh, right, she had to deal with The_Fiend, Idiot, idiots everywhere. " No no, you see, you think you do. Humans like repetition, and even if you try to change it up whenever you can, in reality, your're really just following a similar pattern over and over. Only after studying all of your games several times over did I noticed the pattern of your combos. It is why I played passive early, just to get you into a routine I recognized, and then I went on the attack. You did play great, but it really didn't matter. There is no way to beat your natural human instincts, you just have to work around them. Being human sucks, doesn't it? " A very bizarre question, but a question that asked a lot. Being human means many amazing things, but it also leads to many shortcomings. It is by far the most intelligent and the most idiotic species of all. And once Kaguya became the one true god, she really wouldn't change that. Humanity's stupidity is what has led it to get the point it currently is. It is a blessing, yet a curse. Oh, one could also imply that she wasn't a human, or something. That was on accident, but oh well. Idiots don't get philosophy.