Lorenzo nodded a little at yui " I know and ill seriously make sure to carry lollypops" Lorenzo said smiling as everyone joined the table as the food came out for everyone on their plates. Lorenzo waited till everyone was seated before saying "tomorrow we begin the training so we can go after the ones that attacked the estate, the ghost couple haven't discovered their fear yet and that will be a problem if we try to face them now. so for the time being kenji you will be in charge of emi training while I will handle testuya and yui training." Lorenzo said knowing that if the couple were together they would be to distracted to pay attention to the training and Lorenzo needed to make sure that testuya could stand on his own without his girlfriend if they were ever going to go into battle. Each yokai follows their commander but they are responsible for keeping themselves alive. If the ghost girl didn't like it Lorenzo could easily tear her in half with his gauntlet considering he already proved his point about his strength against her when he punched her clear across the training ground with little effort in it. Lorenzo would make sure yui had her training with him as well considering that she had a problem if she had no lollypops and considering what the ghost girl tried to do to yui while she was down it was best to separate the cats in case of a fight.