Dakin sighed in relief as he recognized Brisa's voice, one of the few children in the village he truly considered a friend. It wasn't that he didn't get along with any of the others but his training with Dorn was his whole life... everyday it was some new orison, some new meditation, some new exercise to train his mind and the list seemed to be never-ending, until now. His breath caught in his throat as he realized that Autry wasn't present and it quickly sank in just by glancing around at the downtrodden faces of the others kids that they all found themselves in the same situation as he did. "I don't understand..." He muttered as he walked in, slowly sliding the bag from his shoulder while his head shook from side to side. "Is Autry not here? I just came from Dorn's cabin and I couldn't find him-" At that moment Atrus reappeared with a cry of pain and Dakin instinctively fell back into a defensive pose with the staff held before him. His hazel eyes blinked rapidly as he recognized the alchemist boy and he let the staff fall to his side. Before he could comment on the strange and alarming entrance, Brisa was ushering them into the other room where they might more comfortably discuss their situation. The apprentice boy chose not to sit, doing so would make him more tense than he already was, and instead stood just inside the door with the staff at his side, butt-end resting on casually on the ground but knuckles tightened around the shaft. Its presence was calming, if only slightly, and he was fairly confident in his staff-fighting capabilities though he realized that the problem they currently faced would not be beaten away with a piece of wood. When Kaya introduced herself, Dakin had only listened to her play on two occasions when Dorn was otherwise indisposed, the man often stating that he simply wasn't [i]'that interested in music'[/i], and he had thought it quite impressive even without any other performances to compare it to. When she had finished speaking of the vanishing of the townsfolk, Dakin lightly thumped the butt of his staff against the floor in a manner that Dorn had often used to get the attention of those around him. "I heard the town bells and... well then I woke up beneath a tree. I went straight to Dorn's cabin but... he wasn't there and I found no indication of where he's gone. Are you saying that [i]everyone[/i] has just up and disappeared?" The words seemed preposterous even as they left his lips but it certainly seemed to be the case. "Brisa, what's going on?" He didn't know why he turned to her in that moment of fear and uncertainty but there had always been a 'take-charge' aspect about her, plus she was the only one he really considered more than a passing acquaintance.