[center][i]Bump..... Bump...... Where are they taking me? Just focus on breathing, just focus on breathing steady as not to alert them Bump.... Bump[/i][/center] Cole was a heavy sleeper but he was not the type to sleep through a kidnapping. The rope had dug into his wrists and already began to burn his already tender skin. If Cole had been counting the footfalls and voices adequately, there were only two initially carrying him but now there was a third party. Which was an unexpected but welcome turn of events. After all, Cole still had one ace up his sleeve. Whether it were intentional or not, the jostling involved in his kidnapping must have somehow put pressure against the Tome's button and activated it for Cole could begin to smell the sickeningly familiar fragrance that was usually followed by grisly deaths. The others most likely wouldn't notice it for a while as they had been constantly moving until now, and the dank tunnel air smothered all other aromas. But Cole knew that it was there, so he wasn't going to go into this interrogation completely helpless. Someone reached into Cole's pockets and took the Tome away, but it was already too late. It had been activated and only Cole knew how it shut off. All it would take now is another careless push, reckless manuaver, or his death to send all of them sky high. So when Cole decided to open his eyes, he absorbed the situation not as a prisoner but rather as the warden. Two guys, one girl, typical interrogation set up. He knew they weren't part of the Unity due to the fact that the Unity would of sent swarms of troops to apprehend him so he had to assume the next logical guess. Which was the Librarians. "So, I trust you have a good reason for interrupting my sleep?" Cole yawned, much in the same antagonistic fashion he treated Alex. "Of course you don't though, you three chaps are much too stupid or you would have killed me while I slept." "I'm going to make this brief. I'll play along, answer a few questions if I feel like it, and then we can all go home. You guys can all go tell your boss what good little lapdogs you are and I won't blow your legs off. I really don't feel like fighting since it's been a pretty long day and I'm tired. I am begging you, however, with bags under my eyes; don't fuck with me. If you do, I will bury every last one of you." Cole didn't realize that he was threatening the Librarian himself and two of his top lieutanents, so his swagger and confidence was entirely undiminished by Angelo's personal presence.